Strands helps people discover new things from people they care

By at January 19, 2009 | 9:25 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:
Strands helps people discover new things from people they care about. Strands gives users the ability to record their activities and keep track of their friends across multiple social networks and services. Based on your aggregated activities, Strands enables discovery of new things based on your own behaviors as well as those of your friends and influencers.

How It Works:

With Strands, you just tell them all of the services and networks you use, and they do the rest. They create a single aggregated “activity stream” that others can track… your favorite videos on YouTube, your recently played songs from, your latest bookmarks from Delicious, stories and articles you have “dugg”, your photos from Flickr, your status updates from Facebook and Twitter. They pull it all together so others can have a single view into what you are into, up to and down with.

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