Zookel aims to benefit both sides of the recruitment equation

By at December 9, 2008 | 8:51 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:

Zookel aims to benefit both sides of the recruitment equation by:
Allowing candidates to use psychological profiling tools to gain more insight into their career motivations, needs, and strengths.

Harnessing the power of existing social networks (including Facebook, LinkedIn etc) to provide candidates with more opportunities (including unpublicised ones), and to provide employers with the tools to tackle the Holy Grail of recruitment – employee referrals.

How It Works:
Giving candidates the opportunity to film a video CV to showcase their personality, explain their career progression, and highlight what they’re looking for. In a business environment where communication is critical, video CV’s represent the future.
Presenting candidates with a range of additional tools, including 3.9 million company profiles & hundreds of salary benchmarks, allowing them to be better informed and more prepared for interviews and / or job offers.
Allowing companies to manage their own corporate recruitment profile.

More at:http://www.zookel.com/


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