ZingSale.com is a free service that enables bargain hunters to find price discounts on the web

By at December 10, 2008 | 9:26 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:
ZingSale.com is a free service that enables bargain hunters to find price discounts on the web. Users simply specify the items they want and how much they would like to pay and ZingSale.com does the rest — scouring millions of products from thousands of online merchants until it finds the requested discount. ZingSale.com is fun and easy to use and requires no upfront registration or software to install.

How It Works:

Once you find a product on ZingSale that you would like to them to watch for you, just click the “Zing It” button. You will then be asked for your email address, which they need so they can tell you know when that item goes on sale!

Once you give them your email address your account is created! Afterwards, be sure to check your email for a welcome message from them which will have instructions on how to access your account, set up a password, and manage your alerts.

Once a ZingSale alert has been created, the system will add that product to the monitoring queue. ZingSale continually watches our network on online merchants for lower prices, and when your desired product is available at or below your desired price, you will receive an email notification.

More at:http://www.zingsale.com/


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