With UBERELECTRON you can search, browse and watch public people driven vodcasts and mediaRSS feeds in a telly style environment

By at October 22, 2008 | 9:23 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:
With UBERELECTRON you can search, browse and watch public people driven vodcasts and mediaRSS feeds in a telly style environment. No installation required but permalinks and sharing options included.

How Is It Different:

Content sources are – witout exception – open Vodcasts and mediaRSS-feeds. So all content you will get is provided or compiled by people like you and me, now lovingly collected, motherly indexed and impatiently waiting to get your attention.

At the frontend Uberelectron tries to emulate what made oldschool TV so popular: Relaxed, spontaneous consuming of content with a quite simple decision-making foregoing and an also simple handling. No need to sign up, no need to register. The whole user interaction is broken down to the essential minimum while the range of content served is hopefully as relevant and nontrivial as possible.

More at:http://www.uberelectron.com/


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