Thrive is the first on-line, 24/7 financial advisory for young adults

By at October 15, 2008 | 9:17 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:
Thrive is the first on-line, 24/7 financial advisory for young adults. They help people in their twenties and thirties gain control over their financial lives by helping them figure out what to do with their money-aside from spending it!

How It Works:

They start by organizing your financial life and highlighting the pieces that matter the most; the results may surprise you! Then, by learning about your lifestyle and your unique perception of money, they provide highly personalized advice to help you achieve your goals, whether they include buying an iphone or saving up for your own apartment. You’ll learn a lot about yourself too, like how much you save month-to-month, where you spend the most, and how financially fit you are. Throughout it all, they keep you up-to-date with valuable alerts so you can avoid major snafus before they happen, making sure that your money is in all the right places so it can grow.

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