InvestingMinds is a collaborative community of insightful investors with the common goal of enhancing overall investment performance

By at September 14, 2008 | 9:18 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:
InvestingMinds is a collaborative community of insightful investors with the common goal of enhancing overall investment performance by engaging the collective wisdom of the group for the sharing and exchange of investment ideas and expertise. Their goal is to create an online resource and user experience that encourages the interactive exchange of information and ideas among our community of networked investors.

How It Works:

Membership is free. When you join (sign-up) you create a profile that summarizes your investment style and experience (we can help you with this). Your profile helps you find and be found by friends, colleagues, and other investors with similar goals and styles. Once you become a registered member, you can create or join an online investment club or groups, join forums and stock chats, and contribute to blogs, educational forums, and stock research. InvestingMinds rates the recommendations and advice of individual contributors based on the following and feedback of the membership.

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