Speeka is an easy way to have conversations about things

By at July 20, 2008 | 9:07 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:
Speeka is an easy way to have conversations about things. You can create a new discussion for any topic of your interest, or join existing ones. There’s no need to signup, register or login – just come and talk.

You can think of it as Twitter for conversations, except the talk is centered around the topic, instead of the individual participants. Or, you can think of it as microforums – what Twitter is to blogs, Speeka is for forums. If you prefer chatting, you can think of Speeka as an open chat remembering everything that was said.

Unique Features:

You want to talk about your favorite rock star or movie, and want other fans to be able to join in [create an open topic].
You want to have a quick (or lengthy) discussion with your friends, but everyone’s using a different service, and you don’t want everyone to have to sign up to yet another one [create a private topic and tell your friends the URL and the password]
You want a collaborative microblog / lifestream. Like, when a bunch of you post from some conference or other event.
You want to have a personal or public link / joke / aphorism / oneliner repo.

More at:http://www.speeka.net/


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