GradeGenie is a website that allows students and faculty to share non-copyrighted, academically allowed course materials with other students

By at July 22, 2008 | 8:26 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:
GradeGenie is a website that allows students and faculty to share non-copyrighted, academically allowed course materials with other students. Items such as class notes, study guides, prior homework assignments and other materials that would help a student gain a more in-depth understanding of their coursework would be offered on the site. Items such as tests, etc, or anything that would be in violation of the academic fraud and plagiarism policies are NOT allowed.

How It Works:

GradeGenie takes study groups to a whole new level. It allows real-time, mass collaboration of ideas, notes, etc beyond the geographic limitations of a single university. Our belief is if GradeGenie can enhance a student’s understanding of their course materials, and help them save time, then better grades can be achieved through better learning.
GradeGenie depends on students helping students by uploading class notes in an easy to use tool that will then post the notes in a way that other students will be able to easily find them. The second way and probably the most frequently used way, will be for students to search for the class notes that are important to them. You will be able to search, view and download (as applicable) the notes that will help you study more effectively for your class.

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