DailyMe gives you full control over the what, who, when and how of reading news

By at July 24, 2008 | 9:41 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:

DailyMe is a news provider and content platform that allows you to customize, personalize, aggregate, share, and interact with the news, blogs, columns and stories that interest you. DailyMe gives you full control over the what, who, when and how of reading news. You can choose the content that interests you by making selections based on categories, keywords, sources, profiles or a combination of these methods. You can search by a broad topic such as sports or narrow your query to the name of a player- it’s your call.

Their licensing agreements allow them to import full articles into their database from thousands of diverse sources so that their audience can enjoy a more seamless, less distracting reading experience. (No more links or teasers that redirect you to other sites with different fonts, formats, etc.)

More at:http://dailyme.com/


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