Explode is an easy way to find friends and those with common interests, no matter what social network or service they use

By at June 16, 2008 | 8:21 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:

Explode is an easy way to find friends and those with common interests, no matter what social network or service they use.
You can use the Explode widget to stay linked to friends regardless of which network they are on.

How It Works:

Explode is a search engine that gets its data from information that has been made publically available. Their crawlers respect robot.txt and they do not attempt to gather any infomration that has been marked as anything other than ‘public’.

Therefore, if you appear in an Explode search, this is because you have made your information available to the public.

More at:http://explode.elgg.org/


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    Lovely material, Regards.