Videorix network of independent video-bloggers, and online-video channels is a vehicle to promote your website, product, service or company

By at May 7, 2008 | 3:33 am | Print

What Company Is Offering:
Videorix provides you with a vehicle to promote your website, product, service or company through the Videorix network of independent video-bloggers, and online-video channels.

When you create an opportunity for, you set the parameters of the campaign: price per video, number of videos you would like to sponsor and you can set any requirement on the themes of the videos so that they are relevant to your products or services. You will benefit by receiving: buzz and traffic at a great price!

How It Works:

After you confirm your account, simply make an initial deposit via credit card, PayPal, or e-check, and you’re ready to go. You can then create an “Opportunity” in their system. An Opportunity is like a posting on a bulletin board or a listing on an auction site. The Opportunity is exposed to publishers who are looking for sponsors and willing to put an ad at the beginning of their videos.

The Opportunity you create tells the publishers what kind of video or channel you are willing to sponsor. You can require the channel to talk about technology, or you may want the video to contain a scene of a car chase; the possibilities are up to your imagination.

With Videorix it’s easy to find advertisers willing to pay for a little spot at the beginning of your videos. Search throught a list of Opportunities, grab a sponsor’s ad image and put it at the beginning of your video, get your video approved, and get paid. It’s easy, it’s simple.

You keep control of who sponsors your videos. You get paid for each video in which you insert an ad.

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    Lovely material, Regards.