Faviki is a social bookmarking tool which allows you to tag webpages you want to remember with Wikipedia terms

By at May 27, 2008 | 3:31 am | Print

What Company Is Offering;
Faviki is a social bookmarking tool which allows you to tag webpages you want to remember with Wikipedia terms. This means that everybody uses the same names for tags from the world’s largest collection of knowledge.Thanks to DBpedia, which extracts structured information from Wikipedia and represents it in a flexible data model, these tags are reference to objects which are categorized automatically, keeping your and your friend’s bookmarks and interests well organized.

How Is It Different:

Unlike classic tags, which are just words, new tags represent references to unique concepts that have their own URL. For example, the tag “Coca-Cola” has a reference to URL http://dbpedia.org/data/Coca-Cola (actually, the name of the tag is just the last part of the URL).

So, instead of having different tags for the same concept, which is the case with classic tags (cocacola, coca-cola, coca+cola, CocaCola) there will be just the one unique “Coca-Cola” tag.

More at:http://www.faviki.com/


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    Lovely material, Regards.