xRank keeps track of notable people and puts them in order for you

By at April 25, 2008 | 10:01 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:
xRank keeps track of notable people and puts them in order for you. They count Live Search web searches for movie stars, musicians, and other famous people. Then, they compile their findings into an insightful ranking formula that tells you who the world is searching for most. The result is a cultural snapshot of who’s hot and who’s not!

How It Works:

View a person’s popularity over the past six months on the xRank History chart. Under the xRank History chart, find the top-moving searches. These are real searches from users on the day the person peaked in popularity on xRank.

Look over the rankings for names that interest you. Arrow icons show how their movement is trending. Movement at the top of the list means more than it does near the bottom.

Discover relationships among notable people. Thumbnail photos at the bottom of xRank show you the associates, friends, enemies, and romances, of the person you’re interested in.Explore a celebrity’s latest videos, images, movies, albums, and more.

More at:http://search.live.com/xrank/results.aspx


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    Lovely material, Regards.