vTap helps you find media quickly on phones and other input/display constrained devices

By at April 23, 2008 | 8:31 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:
vTap helps you find media quickly on phones and other input/display constrained devices (they released a desktop version too but that is just to give you a flavor of the experience) . For example, imagine during a dinner conversation a word or topic comes up and you want to check the meaning of a word or concept. With vTap, you could quickly find the answer right there by typing just a few characters of your query. vTap starts displaying answers as you type, so you may not even have to type the whole query.

How It Works:

You can try vTap on your desktop or on your mobile by visiting http://vtap.com. You can also try vTap on your phone by going through the following steps.
Open a browser on your computer and go vtap.com.
Send an SMS to your device by typing your phone number.
When the SMS arrives on your device, click the link in the SMS to install application.
You can customize their application for the Windows Mobile Platform at the source level by signing up for their developer program at Developer Program.

More at:http://www.vtap.com/


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    Lovely material, Regards.