The myMovo Server is a video search engine which constantly searches the top internet video sites for new videos

By at April 30, 2008 | 1:19 am | Print

What Company Is Offering:
The myMovo Server is a video search engine which constantly searches the top internet video sites for new videos. myMovo software runs on your computer to stream video search results directly from the content provider, through your computer, to your media player.

You setup your preferences and perform searches through the myMovo website. Once you have filtered the search results you tell myMovo to start. myMovo then starts downloading the videos you selected to your computer, and then converts them to your media player format.

myMovo provides the ability to transfer non-copyrighted DVDs and video files from your computer to your media player. It does this by converting the file to a format supported by your device. To use the DVD feature, you choose the ‘dvd import’ option from the main menu. On the DVD screen, select the drive letter of your DVD player, then choose the language and the track. The defaults will work for most cases. You can also change the filename if you want to. Once you have selected the DVD, you can select ‘Next’ to get the the ‘Stream to your device’ screen and then select ‘Start streams’. myMovo does not know anything about the tracks or channels on a DVD. You will have to use a separate DVD application to determine which tracks and channels you want on you device.

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    Lovely material, Regards.