Onzilist aims to become the worlds largest collection of statistics for the best, the worst, the most popular, the largest, the favorite

By at April 28, 2008 | 4:18 am | Print

What Company Is Offering:

Onzilist aims to become the worlds largest collection of statistics for the best, the worst, the most popular, the largest, the favorite, (etc) of what is out there.

How It Works:

Create onzilists, rerank existing, and expect others to rerank yours.

Once you rerank an existing onzilist an average is automatically drawn up between your new list and those of others who have reranked the same list.

The more people rerank a list, the closer it gets to representing a global average.

Why To Use It:

* Research: look for the most popular, or the least popular of anything.
* Trend setting: Find out what’s hot, and what’s not.
* Discover: Find out about things you didn’t know.

More at:http://www.onzilist.com/


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    Lovely material, Regards.