Skydeck is an online service that helps people to take control of their cell phones and their cell phone bills

By at March 26, 2008 | 8:40 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:
Skydeck is an online service that helps people to take control of their cell phones and their cell phone bills.

How It Works:

Skydeck first unlocks the valuable information hidden in your cell phone bill. Their secure software fetches your bills from your cell phone company and combines that information with your address book to show you your true social network: the people you talk to and text every day.

For the first time you can search your calls the way you’ve always been able to search your email. You can organize your address book by who is important to you and who you need to call back, not just alphabetical order. You can see where your money goes. And because their software also tracks your usage, you’ll never get a surprise bill again.

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    Lovely material, Regards.