Omeka is a web platform for publishing collections and exhibitions online

By at March 30, 2008 | 10:45 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:
Omeka is a web platform for publishing collections and exhibitions online. Designed for cultural institutions, enthusiasts, and educators, Omeka is easy to install and modify and facilitates community-building around collections and exhibits. It is designed with non-IT specialists in mind, allowing users to focus on content rather than programming.

How It Works:

Enable users to publish web content with a system that is low-cost and easy-to-use.Omeka offers users professional-looking design themes that showcase collections and eliminate the need to hire outside designers. CHNM also plans to offer a hosted version by 2009 for those who cannot run Omeka on their own servers.

Provide users with a standards-based, interoperable system that allows them to share and use digital content in multiple contexts.

Facilitate users, in particular cultural institutions, engaging their publics and building communities around objects and primary sources.

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    Lovely material, Regards.