Dipiti’s goal is to help online users gain answers and support through available and hard to find online resources

By at March 19, 2008 | 10:18 pm | Print

What Company Says:
71% of online consumers use search engines to find health-related information, but only 16% find the information they need.
Dipiti means the gift of finding the valuable and helpful information that is not exactly easy to find or discover on the web today. Dipiti is derived from the word serendipity, which refers to the unexpected discovery of valuable things you weren’t looking for.
Dipiti solves the problem by providing online users an immediate and trusted connection to answers and support across the web by aggregating valuable message board and service provider content relating to urgent life matters including health, legal, money and pet care.

How It Works:

Dipiti’s goal is to help online users gain answers and support through available and hard to find online resources.

Dipiti currently connects online users to 2,664 communities and 40,843,793 conversations. Dipiti does this by discovering, qualifying, and organizing thousands sites of all sizes across the web so online users can quickly and easily find the most relevant information, connect with others on communities and expert sites, and gain answers and support.

Message board and professional provider sites are an excellent source of helpful, unbiased information and professional connections – one can gain companionship, encouraging discussion, knowledge, and advice. Additionally, communities also allow one to access information and quickly disseminate ideas, providing social and emotional support.

More at:http://www.dipiti.com/


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    Lovely material, Regards.