– The Global Seed Capital Network

By at February 28, 2008 | 3:44 am | Print

What Company Is Offering:
The Seed group is a by invitation only network founded to connect the startup community and facilitate brainstorming, positive feedback and funding in a stress free environment. They invite you to attend their events and enjoy.
They founded with the aim to provide positive feedback and connect entrepreneurs and investors. They have a unique format to their events so as to avoid stressful situations with the aim of providing positive feedback and value to entrepreneurs.They use Ning ID for authentication.

How Is It Different:

The Ning ID authentication system lets you choose an email address and password once and use it to join or sign into any social network that uses the Ning ID.

When you create a Ning ID, you can also add a set of basic details and your photo to your Ning ID account. These details are then pre-populated whenever you join a new social network that uses the Ning ID for authentication. It also enables you to keep track of your friends and messages across all the social networks that use it.

You can sign in with your Ning ID email address and password whenever you see symbol on site given.

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    Lovely material, Regards.