, a networking site for merchant navy officers

By at February 22, 2008 | 4:11 am | Print

What Company Is Offering:, a networking site for merchant navy officers is now made open also for spouses or would be spouses and other people closely associated with merchant navy professionals. This platform is offered so that they can improve their collective lives by interacting with each other., which is a complete vertical or niche portal on the merchant navy profession.

How It Works: gives officers a chance to get the first hand information about latest machineries or equipments, officers have worked with across the world. Looks like is a great recipe specially prepared for all the people associated with the Merchant Navy.Marine students, senior sailing officers, marine teaching faculties, etc are registered on this site. Because this is a platform of people with similar interests and concerns, they can share the right information to each other. The site offers them different tools like blogs, forums, special picture section, etc which makes it easy for them to share their life.

While speaking with the CEO of, Mr Umesh Dhekane said, “This is our sincere attempt to get SeaFolks and Sea Lovers closer. The aim is to get them all together to interact with each other and improve their collective lives.”

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Umesh Dhekane


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    Lovely material, Regards.