Criteo for real-time personalized recommendation solution on the web

By at January 18, 2008 | 3:58 am | Print

What Company Is Offering:
Criteo aims to become the most widely used real-time personalized recommendation solution on the web.

Personalization can help discover information one would not have found on his own, sites one never knew existed, based on users past behaviors and interests. Personalization and recommendations aid discovery. Discovery is about leveraging the long tail of huge catalogs that would be extremely difficult for a user to browse. It’s hard to find something if you didn’t know it existed. It’s even harder to find something if you can’t easily define exactly what you are looking for.

How It Works:
Criteo recommendation engine works on a real-time basis, both for input data and output results.
Input data can be either explicit user ratings (votes on items), or implicit user browsing history (clicks, page views or purchased items).
Output results can be Products, Content or Advertising personalized for each user.
Criteo solutions are available for any web site with plug-and-play web components.
Criteo uses a SaaS (Software as a Service) model. Their solutions are available for any web site, based on plug-and-play web components. It’s an easy installation with no hassles. It does not require any kind of long term commitment nor advanced technical skills. Because of its transparency and efficiency, Criteo solutions have attracted thousands of clients of all sizes.

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    Lovely material, Regards.