Part of It –They invite artists to design a t-shirt that supports a cause they feel strongly about

By at December 19, 2007 | 11:16 pm | Print

What Company Says:
Part of It stems from our belief that artists (and conscientious consumers) can make a positive difference in the world by supporting causes close to their heart. Expressions of protest, simple declarations, moving graphics that encourage conversation and dialogue—there are many ways to enter into and encourage civic discourse. They believe activism can be fun, personal, beautiful and engaging; they can all play a part in making a better world for ourselves, for our communities, and for future generations.
How It Works:

The causes, charities, and nonprofits selected by artists are the heart of Part of It. Whether local, regional, or international, the work of these organizations targets issues that matter to the artists. Consumers are another part of this equation. When you purchase a product, your money goes to supporting the cause and to continuing the Part of It project. We encourage you to learn more about the organization that benefits from your purchase.
They invite artists to design a t-shirt that supports a cause they feel strongly about, a graphic that can stir change, or an image that can raise awareness or perhaps simply start a conversation. We are interested in ripple effects, and in encouraging artists (and consumers) to see how they and their beliefs can play a part in supporting organizations whose work matters to them. The artists participating in Part of It come from diverse backgrounds and their work illuminates the intersection of personal beliefs and artistic expression.
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    Lovely material, Regards.