Netcooler is a site that organizes community-generated and rated news, gossip, and Q&A about companies

By at December 20, 2007 | 5:04 am | Print

What Company is offering:
Netcooler is a site that organizes community-generated and rated news, gossip, and Q&A about companies.

Tap into it to find out what people are saying about your company, or one you’re thinking about joining!

How It Works:

Netcooler marries the prototypical workplace with some powerful new communication tools.From the moment of launch, folks could interact with their existing contacts and networks to inform, talk, ask, answer, vote… in short, organize information around companies and other places of work. The site is open to all, so with enough people contributing, communities are built around these workplaces. As each community becomes more active and robust, its value as a resource to folks also grows.

A community member posts an article from the press or a blog, to share news with everyone else (like they might do on, or — except that on Netcooler, the principle of organization is the company, as opposed to a news category). Others can comment on how the news is or is not relevant, true, important, etc. Each news item can be promoted or demoted by each user (don’t worry, you can change your mind!); and each comment can likewise be promoted or demoted based on the reader’s agreement or disagreement. Each user’s voice can be heard, and the aggregate vote tallies tell us what the community thinks, as a whole.
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