Hoosgot is a simple way to ask who’s got what you’re looking for

By at December 30, 2007 | 8:52 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:
Hoosgot (pronounced “who’s got”) is a simple way to ask who’s got what you’re looking for. Just put “hoosgot” in a blog post or a Twitter tweet and it’ll show up here in Hoosgot. It’s meant to give you a place to send the requests for all of those things that you’ve wanted, but just can’t find – chances are, what you want already exists and someone else out there in the ether knows about it.

How It Works:

If someone’s got what you’re looking for, or a clue in that direction, they post a comment. RSS feeds flow from the comments.

For example, you might ask:

hoosgot an easy-to-use pencil sharpener that has suction cups on the bottom so I can stick it anywhere?


hoosgot a simple camera bag that you can stick a laptop in, and still carry over your shoulder without knocking over pedestrians? Note I’m not looking for a knapsack or a backpack, I want it to act like a messenger bag…

And so on.
Of course, you can subscribe to hoosgot, they have RSS feeds so you can watch and participate – for hoosgot only works if you comment on the questions posed. Happen to know where someone can find the information they seek? Interested in collaborating with them on creating that invention described when the person invoked hoosgot or the lazyweb? Leave a comment on the entry, and give back to the web that has given us so much.
Who Is Backing Them:

Hoosgot is run by David Sifry, blogger, photographer, and entrepreneur, founder of a few companies you may have heard of, most recently Technorati. This is a personal project in his spare time.
More at:http://www.hoosgot.com/


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    Lovely material, Regards.