is the first website to offer high quality mobile video to a massive audience, without the need for a mobile network

By at December 15, 2007 | 11:18 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:
Clippz was formed to take advantage of the functionality gap between highly specified mobile devices and the relatively low specification wireless networks that are implemented by wireless carriers. As a result, Clippz has become the market leader in off-carrier mobile video.

How It Works: is the first website to offer high quality mobile video to a massive audience, without the need for a mobile network. You can download videos to your PC and then transfer them to your mobile device using Bluetooth, USB or by writing to a memory card and inserting it into the device.

As you don’t have to use a mobile network for delivery, none of the usual restrictions apply. Video quality is determined by the ability of each device and not by the restraints of the mobile network. The vast majority of devices we support are not on 3G mobile networks, yet the performance levels are usually better than 3G levels.

How Is It Different:

Clippz is network independent. Delivery of the video does not touch a mobile network, so your choice of carrier is irrelevant. The only exception to this rule is if you have a Verizon cell phone. Verizon is legendary for crippling its phones to disable Bluetooth file transfer. However you can still use the memory card option for Verizon phones.
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    Lovely material, Regards.