Site24x7 is a simple hosted web site monitoring service that works around the clock making sure that websites are performing flawlessly

By at September 28, 2007 | 9:58 pm | Print

What Company is Offering:
Site24x7 checks for the response time and availability of your website. For example, you can add a URL, say, for monitoring. You can set a threshold for a web page such that – if the page load time of that page is more than 3 seconds, you should be notified through EMail, SMS and RSS. This helps you in taking quick action before it affects end users.
How It Works:
Site24x7 is a simple hosted web site monitoring service that works around the clock making sure that websites are performing flawlessly. There are six main functions that Site24x7 takes care of: website availability, tracking website performance, web application monitoring, web page defacement, instant alerts, and reports and trends. Each of these areas are consistently checked, reported, updated and fixed if need be. These reports help the site management see the flaws of their system and help to improve the site experience. One of the most important facets of Site24x7 is that it immediately alerts the manager when their site goes down. The manager is contacted by email, SMS and RSS so they are aware of outages and can react accordingly.
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    Lovely material, Regards.