Entrepreneur Steve Poland had decided to create a start-up that was entirely ‘Crowd-sourced’

By at August 20, 2007 | 8:38 pm | Print

Poland’s idea is still viable. It’s a valuable way for entrepreneurs and anyone curious about the web startup process to learn about everything from ideas to execution. It’s got that hint of democracy and participation that the 2.0 crowd loves.
Entrepreneur Steve Poland had decided to create a start-up that was entirely ‘Crowd-sourced.’ I guess you could say he was taking web 2.0 to its logical extreme. Poland’s ultimate goal was to raise $20,000 ++ in contributions, or donations from blog readers and anyone else feeling particularly generous, whilst blogging about the whole venture. Readers would actually be able to participate in business decisions by taking part in polls and discussion. Originally and aptly titled Ringside Startup, the project has now been renamed WeBothLike. Poland ran into problems raising the money. The scheme and plan remain the same—that is, we, the public will still be able to get all the inside details, however, the venture has already been started. The aim of WeBothLike is to connect like minded people. Poland will keep blogging, he’ll keep his panel of experts, and he’ll continue to accept contributions. Follow his progess and vote on the future of WeBothLike.
More at:http://blog.webothlike.com/


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