Fuzz is a new music community for artists and bands to sell music and connect with friends.

By at June 18, 2007 | 3:30 am | Print

Fuzz is a new music community for artists and bands to sell music and connect with friends.

The focus of Fuzz is on the musicians, and it’s created a music label for unsigned artists to work under to help promote undiscovered musicians. Artists can sell music, and will soon be able to sell merchandise as well. There are a few ways to share information about the site, as Fuzz has badges in a few different sizes that can be placed on websites or blogs and link back to Fuzz profiles. New users can sign up as a fan or as a musician, add artists’ music to their playlists or listen to another user’s playlist.

No widgets yet for selling (or even playing) music, which limits the marketing potential of artists signed under Fuzz’s label. There are sections for people, music and buzz, but there is no section dedicated to events and concerts, which is unfortunate. Incorporating ways for users to subscribe to events, add events to their own calendars, or search through events that have been added by artists would reaffirm Fuzz’s focus on musicians.

Fuzz of course is entering an extremely crowded space which is dominated by MySpace, and includes Sonific, which recently expanded its service to allow artists to submit music, and VLES, which uses avatars and a neighborhood replica for bands to promote music, among others.
More at:http://www.fuzz.com/


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