
By at May 19, 2007 | 11:31 pm | Print

Everyone loves New York, except for when they have to take a cab to or from the airport and it ends up costing almost as much as airfare. Which is why smart New Yorkers are starting to plan their airport commutes via Hitchster.com. Founded by New York attorney Terry Crawford and wife Gloria, Hitchsters.com is a combination of a social networking and a ride matching site. Hitchsters’ software connects travelers scheduled on the same flight and living in the same area of the city so they can save money by sharing a taxi. Customers can also specify their preference for a male or female co-rider and make a new social connection.

Would-be co-riders enter their first name, cell phone number, cellular carrier and email address into the Hitchsters’ system. Hitchsters makes the match and facilitates a cell phone number and email exchange so co-riders can coordinate their trip to the airport. No information other than cell phone number and email is ever revealed to the co-rider, and Hitchster maintains a database of cell phone numbers as a security precaution.
More at:http://www.hitchsters.com/


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