
Easiest Way To Organize Everything You’ve Bought Online

By at December 22, 2011 | 8:59 am | 0 Comment

Easiest Way To Organize Everything You’ve Bought Online

Slice is a free service that organizes everything you've bought online from large merchants such as Amazon, eBay, and Apple, to daily deal sites such as Groupon & LivingSocial. Slice automatically pulls information from electronic receipts in your inbox and makes it easy to track the progress of your orders, take advantage of price adjustments and see everything more...

Digital Intelligence , StartUPs , ,

Shelfster–Organize your information and find your favorite information

By at January 29, 2010 | 8:35 pm | 0 Comment

What Company Is Offering: Shelfster would be helpful to you for organizing your information ,find your favorite information and share it systematically. It is an application which allows you to easily collect, organize and share with others your favorite information from the web, offline documents or real world. How It Works: You create an online account where more...

Internet And Web 2.0 , , ,–Organize your meetings end-to-end

By at January 18, 2010 | 9:34 pm | 0 Comment

What Company Is Offering: We organize a lot of meetings in our office for different kind of presentation,discussion,simple staff meetings ,creative ideas debate but what happen in many such kind of meetings is, we loos our focus because meeting is not organized in the way it should be .This new website will help you to solve this kind of problem.It is to help organize more...

Internet And Web 2.0 , , , , ,