is a banking search engine providing its users a simplified way to search checking, money market and savings rates

By at July 18, 2008 | 4:02 am | Print

What Company Is Offering: is a banking search engine providing its users a simplified way to search checking, money market and savings rates available at national, local, and online financial institutions. At, consumers can search using criteria, including local cities and product types. Consumers are provided direct links to the banks providing the offer making it easy to begin to save.

How It Works:
BankAround provides a simplified way to search checking, savings, and money market rates available at national, local and online financial institutions.

The new website provides a simple way for consumers to input search criteria, including local cities, product types, amount range, and commitment time-frames. In addition, consumers can view approximately how much interest income they should expect based on their criteria. BankAround utilizes Informa Research Services’ comprehensive data to power its search engine.

“The premise of BankAround is to increase the awareness of savings options so that Americans can begin to save more,” stated Atul Patel, co-founder of BankAround. “We are offering an alternative to current Internet sources for this information, most of which are congested with non-relevant information, such as with content about loans and credit cards. is focused on helping consumers be more informed about savings options.”

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