
Share videos from YouTube to Twitter, Facebook or Google Reader in real time

By at March 29, 2010 | 12:00 am | 0 Comment

Google is working on its youtube to make it as much social network friendly as they can,earlier sharing videos from youtube to facebook or twitter take a lot of time but now after Google has updated its youtube platform by which you can share it in real time. Updates: Now when you log in to your YouTube account, you'll get a invitation in the Recent Activity module more...

Internet And Web 2.0 , , , ,

ShareGrove–Converse in real time like IM and over time like email

By at January 10, 2010 | 9:00 pm | 0 Comment

What Company Is Offering: With so many new social networking sites on the net that it is difficult to keep track of them and often we mix many peoples and forget many of them due to big groups and n numbers of friends ,but with this new site you can use social networking in real time and over time both with single web application. ShareGrove is a better way to more...

Internet And Web 2.0 , , ,