
CricutCake- Unique printer that can print any food items

By at November 24, 2010 | 10:01 am | 0 Comment

CricutCake- Unique printer that can print  any food items

Can you ever imagine in your wildest dream that your printer can print any edible food items? Did not understand? Confused? Here is one company which has made a printer that can print edible food items like cookies, chocolate etc. Yes,its true.This printer is named Cricut Cake .It could be very useful in office or when you are traveling. Suppose you are driving more...

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Mobile Office Or Travel Office For All Business Peoples

By at March 27, 2010 | 12:02 am | 0 Comment

If you are always on move due to your work schedule and sometimes you miss few things in your travel as you did not get much support for your working deadlines while most of us keep laptop with us,but its not enough all the time,as we need scanner,printer,faxes etc ,to work like as we are working in office.Well,here is one product which is made for all busy peoples around more...

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