online sell

Ether —Sell Your Expertise

By at September 20, 2009 | 9:18 pm | 0 Comment

What Company Is Offering: Ether is a new division of Ingenio, which means the've got revenue in their DNA and understand the telephone-meets-the-web thing as well as anyone. Users enter a description of their expertise, like computer support or editing, and how they want to charge. The site then generates a phone number that a user can post to a blog or Web site or more...

Uncategorized , , ,

Bizual is to attract new customers by creating special offers on your products and services

By at April 25, 2009 | 12:13 am | 0 Comment

What Company Is Offering: Bizual is the new online community for small business owners and freelancers to attract new customers by creating special offers on your products and services. How It Works: They help you to attract customers and find great deals on things you need. Your Bizual Offers are super-charged ads, a place for you to promote your products and more...

BizIdeas ,