
Now Musicians can Set up a Web Presence in minutes Via OneSheet

By at March 14, 2012 | 1:36 pm | 1 Comments

Now Musicians can Set up a Web Presence in minutes Via OneSheet

OneSheet: Onesheet allows musicians to set up a web presence in minutes using content from other websites they're already updating. Easy To Use: All you need to do is just connect your existing social networks and services immediately have a website full of content already posted across the web: music, videos, photos, concert dates, blogs, social streams, more...

StartUPs ,

Songbright–Musicians Get Paid For Every Single Song Played On Its Profile

By at February 10, 2010 | 8:28 pm | 0 Comment

What Company Is Offering: How good it would be?, if musician get paid as and when any new listeners chooses his or her songs to listen on this new sites.Songbright is a collaborative effort developed by musicians and engineers. The idea behind the website is to provide a place where musicians can showcase their music, keep up to date information regarding upcoming more...

Fun , , , ,