Acteva is an event registration service provider for event organizers

By at September 14, 2008 | 9:27 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:
Acteva is an event registration service provider for event organizers. Acteva automates the entire event registration process and brings it online where it can be easily accessed anytime of the day or night.

How It Works:

Acteva’s event registration services are easy to set up and require no specific technical knowledge to use successfully. If you can get online and fill out a form, you can use Acteva.
Creating your Acteva account only takes minutes and requires no technical expertise. You start by visiting and clicking on “Create Account”. It can then take as little as 20 minutes to get your customized registration page set up. Once your page is set up, you’re ready to go Live and you can begin accepting registrations!

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