Offiscion is to empower individuals in organizations to connect, communicate, and collaborate with one another

By at June 30, 2008 | 3:33 am | Print

What Company Is Offering:
Offiscion is a secure, web-based service that helps organizations across organizational and geographic boundaries.Offiscion’s simple philosophy is to bring kinship to the officeplace. Their mission is to empower individuals in organizations to connect, communicate, and collaborate with one another. is an online network and intranet for you, your coworkers, and alumni. It enables you to work in the environment you naturally play in.

How It Works:

Anyone can join using a valid office email address, which enables them to form or join their organization’s corporate social network. However, individuals using personal email accounts provided by common email service providers may be restricted.
Offiscion is the first employee-powered, corporate social network with solutions you can actually use to work more efficiently, and collaborate more effectively.

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