mymission2 is the world’s first aspirational social network

By at April 21, 2008 | 1:50 am | Print

What Company Is Offering:
mymission2 is the world’s first aspirational network, where people help each other to achieve their goals in life … whatever they may be.

It’s about achieving something you couldn’t otherwise achieve. And it is totally free.

You publish your own missions and agree to help other people with theirs. When a mission is published, they alert the people who are most likely to be able to help you.

People respond to your mission and, when you have achieved your goal, (or when you have had enough helpful responses) you close your mission.

How It Works:

mymission2 works on a “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” basis. There is a “social contract” which means that, if you want people to help you achieve your goals, then you have to be prepared to help them achieve theirs. This means you need to provide as much information about yourself as possible so that we can alert you about missions that you are likely to be able to help with.

When you create a mission, they do some automatic analysis and send alerts to other missioners asking them if they can help you. Their software prioritizes missioners according to their ability to help with each specific mission and they never alert more than 100 people about a new mission – they don’t need to because they are the 100 people who are most likely to be able to help you!

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    Lovely material, Regards.