Online Book Reader Tool

By at January 18, 2008 | 9:59 pm | Print

What Company Is Offering:
They set out to create a better way to read on-line; their goal was to make something different, engaging, intelligent and digital.

How It Works:
The Unbound Reader is pretty straightforward once you’ve registered. First, you just need to sign up for an account and make some decisions about what you’d like to read and who you’d like to read it with. You can either choose a book from our public domain collection, or choose a group that’s reading something you like. Then you just jump into the reader. Watch this short piece; it should explain things in more detail
Since you choose a book before you enter the reader, the minute you click the Jump Into the Reader button you’re inside a book and ready to go. If you’ve read part of this book before, it will return you to the same page. If it’s a new book you’ll start right at the beginning. Navigational tools to move through the book are along the bottom.
Proximity chat is a unique way to have contextual discussions. Use the dropdown at the top of the Talk panel to limit the messages you receive — from users anywhere in the book to only users reading the same section that you are.
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